媽媽咪呀(經典片段擷取分享)今天HBO播放了媽媽咪呀~我又看了一遍 . . . . 經典的片子,值得一看再看~細細品嚐與回味~ 這是去年的電影早在電影上映前,我已看過媽媽咪呀的音樂劇~就從此愛上這部劇音樂也讚、劇情也很細膩 . . . .百聽不厭(下列有音樂試聽,喜歡的朋友們請多支持購買正版音樂喔) *((I have a dream-我有一個夢))* *((Mamma Mia-媽媽 咪呀))* *((Dancing Queen))* *((The winner takes it all))* *((Super trouper))* 有太多歌曲無法完全一一貼上來介紹 . . . 先分享電影片段囉觀看影片時請暫停上方音樂 再次回味此劇時,這段畫面~女主角幫女兒梳妝準備出嫁的畫面與歌曲讓我看的熱淚盈框~很感動 . . . 或許隨著年齡成長,變得比較感性,情緒很容易投入於劇情中而感動 歌詞分享 :她很早就拿著書包上學去了我心不在焉的笑著揮手告別看著她的離去內心湧現著傷悲我需要坐著緩和心情有種將會永遠失去她的感覺沒能夠參與她的世界慶幸的是能夠分享她的笑容那有趣的小女孩每每從我指縫中滑走試著捕抓能和你相處的每分鐘內心的感受每每從我指縫中滑走我真的能了解她在想甚麼嗎每次認為快要能了解了她也不停的在成長中一直從我指縫中溜走我倆睡眼惺忪的坐在餐桌上我只能讓這珍貴的時光溜走當她離去時卻感到有股莫名憂傷無法否認內心的那股罪惡感而那些驚奇的探索呢之前所計畫要一起去的那些地方唉只去了一些大部分都沒能成行我卻不知道是甚麼原因每每從我指縫中滑走試著捕抓能和你相處的每分鐘內心的感受每每從我指縫中滑走我真的能了解她在想甚麼嗎每次認為快要能了解了她也不停的在成長中一直從我指縫中溜走她很早就拿著書包上學去了我心不在焉的笑著揮手告別有時真希望能把時間給暫停把那些好笑的時光保存下來從我指縫中滑走一直從我指縫中溜走她很早就拿著書包上學去了我心不在焉的笑著揮手告別DONNA:Schoolbag in handShe leaves home in the early morningWaving goodbyeWith an absent-minded smileI watch her goWith a surge of that well-known sadnessAnd I have to sit down for a whileThe feeling that I'm loosing her foreverAnd without really entering her worldI'm glad whenever I can share her laughterThat funny little girlSlipping through my fingers all the timeI try to capture every minuteThe feeling in itSlipping through my fingers all the timeDo I really see what's in her mindEach time I think I'm close to knowingShe keeps on growingSlipping through my fingers all the timeSleep in our eyesHer and me at the breakfast tableBarely awakeI let precious time go byThen when she's goneThere's that odd melancholy feelingAnd a sense of guiltI can't denyWhat happened to the wonderful adventuresThe places I had planned for us to goWell some of that we didBut most we didn'tAnd why I just don't knowSlipping through my fingers all the timeI try to capture every minuteThe feeling in itSlipping through my fingers all the timeDo I really see what's in her mindEach time I think I'm close to knowingShe keeps on growingSlipping through my fingers all the timeDONNA & SOPHIE:Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the pictureAnd save it from the funny tricks of timeSlipping through my fingers -DONNA:Schoolbag in handShe leaves home in the early morningWaving goodbye with an absent-minded smile .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! .
- Dec 06 Tue 2011 20:56